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Sharing accessible compassion focused body and mind practices because how we think is connected to how we move and how we move is connected to how we think.


Informed by:

  • The science of compassion

  • The therapeutic application of yoga:

    • Mindful movement

    • The physical, mental, emotional and spiritual layers of us

    • Breath as a bridge between body and mind 

  • Embodied anatomy and physiology 

  • Scientific research into body/mind practices

  • Functional movement

  • Understanding of sensory processing in Autism/ADHD

What makes re:connectology different.....US……the  collaboration of both our ideas, energy and experience.  


We share our extensive experience in body-mind practices. 


Alex is a

  • Social, Emotional, Mental Health and Autism/ADHD Specialist Secondary School Teacher

  • Yoga Therapist 

  • Living Anatomy and Physiology Practitioner 


Chloe is a

  • Mental Health Specialist Occupational Therapist 

  • Compassion Focused Therapist 

  • Yoga Teacher


Our experience comes together to create our flexible and varied approach to health and wellbeing.


What we offer through our services is a way to experiment, to be playful with, to learn, and find your practice, however that shows up each day. 


Our Values


We understand the interconnected nature of life and that each person is the expert of their own body and mind and so our approach is to work in partnership


We believe that ideas and practices can be adapted for everyone. This encourages us to be innovative and reflect on the intention behind all that we do


We hold in mind that suffering is part of human life and are committed to find ways to alleviate it together


We acknowledge the strength and courage that is needed to make changes and grow


We are open to exploring different perspectives to create a deeper connection to others and the world around us

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